IIT Roorkee has released the new two-paper combination list from which students can opt for a maximum of 2 subject codes for the GATE exam.
The exam will be held in English medium / languages for a total duration of 180 Minutes (3 Hours) on the basis of GATE exam pattern 2025. The GATE exam is held Online in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode which is conducted once in a year. According to the GATE exam pattern 2025, the exam will be conducted for a total of 100 Marks.
The details about the GATE pattern 2025 can be obtained from this article including the medium, mode, time allotted, section-wise details, marking criteria, and many others.
The GATE paper pattern 2025 is available online on the exam’s official website i.e., “gate2025.iitr.ac.in” by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee. Candidates should have deep knowledge about the test pattern as it will aid them in securing excellent marks in the GATE 2025 exam.
Check the below-stated table to get an overview about the GATE 2025 exam pattern:
Particular |
GATE Exam Pattern 2025 Details |
Exam Mode |
Online – Computer Based Test |
Medium |
English |
Duration |
3 Hours (180 Minutes) * Extra 1 hour for PwD candidates. |
Number of Test Papers |
30 * Students are allowed to opt for a maximum of 2 test papers. |
Sessions / Shifts |
2 |
Number of Sections |
Number of Attempt Limits |
No limit |
Questions for Testing Students’ Abilities |
Type of Questions |
Marking Scheme |
Refer to the section-wise details. |
Number of Questions |
65 * 10 questions in General Aptitude and 55 questions in Candidate’s Selected Subject. |
Total Marks |
100 |
IIT Roorkee (the exam conducting body) will conduct the exam for a total of 100 Marks which have to be solved within the time limit of 180 Minutes i.e., 3 Hours. As per the GATE exam pattern 2025, there will be two sections in the paper which are General Aptitude (GA) and Subject selected by the candidates. The GATE exam 2025 paper will have a total of 65 questions, 10 questions from GA sections and the remaining 55 questions from the subject-core discipline.
On the basis of GATE Exam Pattern 2025, in each test paper, the general aptitude section will carry 15 marks and remaining 85 marks will be for the subject components.
Refer to the below-stated table to know the distribution of marks as per different paper codes in the GATE exam 2025:
Paper Codes |
Marks Weightage of Sections |
AE, AG, BM, BT, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, ES, GE, IN, ME, MN, MT, NM, PE, PI, and TF |
* XE paper will include Engineering Mathematics section of 15 Marks. |
AR, CY, DA, EY, GG, MA, PH, ST, XH, and XL |
*Aspirants after fulfilling the GATE Eligibility Criteria 2025 and completing the GATE Registration 2025 process should go through the exam pattern to understand the format of the test.
As per the GATE exam pattern 2025, the exam will have 3 types of questions which will carry 1 or 2 Marks for each question. The details about the type of questions and their marking scheme are as follows:
Type of Questions |
Details |
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) |
Negative Marking for every wrong answer:
Multiple Select Questions (MSQs) |
Numerical Answer Type (NAT) |
* Students need to enter the answer using a virtual numeric keypad on the monitor. The computer's keyboard will not be accessible to the students. |
In the General Aptitude sections, there will be a total of 10 questions (of overall 15 marks) and the GATE marking scheme for the same is mentioned-below:
*Students should know that as per the GATE 2025 exam pattern, the GA section is common in each test paper with the same marking pattern.
Apart from the 10 questions in the GA section, there will be remaining 55 questions from the subject component and the marking scheme of the same as per the different test papers is mentioned below:
For Test Papers except AR, GE, GG, XE, XH, and XL
In these papers, there will be 25 questions carrying 1 Mark each and 30 questions will contain 2 Marks each. The paper will be conducted for a total of 85 Marks.
Architecture and Planning (AR)
The test paper comprises two parts including Part A of 60 Marks and Part B of 25 Marks. The paper will include MCQs, MSQs, and NAT questions.
Students should refer to the below-given points to know the exam pattern of AR test paper:
Geomatics Engineering (GE)
This test paper is divided into two parts which are Part A and B. The Part A is Engineering Mathematics and Basic Geomatics (Compulsory for all candidates) of 55 Marks. The Part B is segregated into 2 sections which are Section I - Surveying and Mapping and Section 2 - Image Processing and Analysis. The total marks of Part B are 30.
Below-given is the marking scheme for GE test paper:
Engineering Sciences (XE)
To know about the XE test pattern of GATE exam, students should refer to the below-listed points:
Following are the subjects in Section B to H:
Section Code |
Subject Name |
B |
Fluid Mechanics |
C |
Material Science |
D |
Solid Mechanics |
E |
Thermodynamics |
F |
Polymer Science and Engineering |
G |
Food Technology |
H |
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences |
Life Sciences (XL)
Aspirants who are appearing in the XL paper of GATE 2025 exam have to answer as per the below-given sections:
Check the below-listed table to know the subjects included in section Q to U:
Section Code |
Subject Name |
Q |
Biotechnology |
R |
Botany |
S |
Microbiology |
T |
Zoology |
U |
Food Technology |
Important Points to Consider About XL & XE:
Below-given are some essential points related to the XL and XE test paper:
Geology and Geophysics (GG)
This test paper contains 2 parts that are Part A (compulsory) and B. The Part B has 2 sections which are Section 1 – Geology and Section 2 – Geophysics. Students need to select any 1 section from Part B during the GATE application process.
Go through the below-listed points to have an understanding about the test pattern of GG paper:
Humanities and Social Sciences (XH)
Students who have opted for XH test paper should go through the below-given description of its exam pattern:
The list of section codes from C1 to C6 is mentioned in the table given below:
Section Code |
Subject Name |
C1 |
Economics |
C2 |
English |
C3 |
Linguists |
C4 |
Philosophy |
C5 |
Psychology |
C6 |
Sociology |
* For XH and GG test papers, students are not allowed to make requests for change of section at the time of examination.
GATE Exam Pattern 2025: Facilities for PwD candidates
In accordance with the GATE exam pattern 2025, the authorities have prescribed various facilities to the Person with Benchmark Disability (PwD) category candidates. Following are the details of the same:
Scribe Facilities
PwD and Dyslexic candidates can avail the scribe facility at the time of application process. There are two methods to arrange the scribe which are as follows:
Note: If the students chose to bring their own scribe but are not able to bring it, in such cases, it will not be possible to make an arrangement for the new scribe.
* The scribe will not receive any payment for their service.
Assistive Devices
Candidates belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disability category are provided with assistive facilities; the details of the same can be understood from the following points:
Compensatory Time
Check the below-given points to know about the compensatory time provided to the PwD candidates in the test as per the GATE exam pattern 2025:
* In order to secure good marks in the exam, applicants are suggested to prepare as per the GATE Syllabus 2025 along with the paper pattern.
On the basis of GATE exam pattern 2025, the exam will have 3 types of questions which are Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Multiple Select Questions (MSQs), and Numerical Answer Type (NAT).
The exam papers will have 2 sections (each) which are General Aptitude section (common for all) and the Candidate’s Selected Subject, in accordance with the GATE exam pattern 2025.
No, negative marking criteria is not applicable for MSQs in the entrance test as per the GATE exam pattern 2025.
IIT Roorkee, the exam conducting body, will conduct the test for 30 different test papers in accordance with the GATE exam pattern 2025.
The exam authorities have not prescribed any restriction on the number of attempts for the students to apply for the GATE exam.