How to Top in Exams by following Timetable?

by Pradeep Jangid 112 views0

How to Top in Exams by following Timetable?

10 Time management tips every student must know

As soon as the results are approaching everybody is glued on the screens with the topper list. Every parent wants their children to focus on the case study of toppers. Several children fear what exactly these toppers do. How do they study? Several questions bombard their minds and the answer to all those questions is just “Time Management”.

One can manage their time with a proper timetable along with dedication and determination. When you set a proper timetable and follow it persistently success will follow you.

Do not depend on last minute studies, you must always plan a Schedule:

Make sure you study every day. Start small, Study every day for 2 hours. We have 24 hours every day which is ample amount of time to study. If you plan accordingly you may have lots of leisure time, sleeping time and internet surfing time. Only a study of few hours will help you and make you stress free.

Be Selective in order: Be smart in selecting subjects. There are so many subjects which you cannot read every day. So you can select the subject day wise and you must be sure whether you are more comfortable during night time or early morning.

Don’t read only one subject the entire day, keep changing your subjects so that you don’t get bored with studies.

Do a smart learning schedule. Concentrate more on the subjects which are more scoring. Devote time as per scoring and non-scoring topics. The topics which carry more weight devote more time on them. Take regular breaks and play some good music to rejuvenate you.

Below time table can really help you dig your plan.

6am-8:30am: Get up early in the morning. Researchers suggest the best time to study is early morning because you are fresh and you can learn things quickly and remember for long time. So get up early to study theoretical subjects so that you can learn things quickly.

Try to study at stretch for one and half an hour. Take a break. Relax for a while and start again.

10:00am-12:00pm: After relaxing, have breakfast & you can pick subjects which involve theory and numerical. Pick up a subject which you want to revise and not pick something which you are doing a fresh start.

Take a break and have lunch.

2:00pm to 4:00pm: This is the time for everyone to doze off, but if you are running out of time and exams are approaching you can use this time for subjects which involve numerical like Mathematics. You can play some soft music which will help you enjoy the time.

You can utilize the time to revise things or play or walk around.

5:00pm to 08:00pm: After games or refreshing time get back with your books. Now decide as per your mood if you want to start something fresh or revise your subjects. This is also the best time to learn or revise theoretical subjects.

Now you can have your night meals as scientists suggest this is the perfect dinner time.

9:00pm to 10:00pm: After having your night meals now you can review the entire study done during the day. This will give you a fair idea about where you need to start next morning.

This is just a general layout which can help you understand how important it is to study on daily basis to help you cover something extra during exams.

Keep yourself Hydrated: Try drinking lot of water to keep yourself fresh. But note don’t drink lot of water in one go. Take a sip of water during the interval so that it increases the level of oxygen in your body which in turn boosts your mental performance.

Good Diet and proper sleep: Make sure you take good diet. Involve lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Soak almonds at night and eat them in the morning. Good diet will help you to get a good sleep as well. It helps to improve your memory and concentration.

Meditate: Exercise and meditate regularly. There is a time when you feel saturated after studying a lot. So try to meditate and relax your mind. During exam, several children face anxiety and depression. Meditation helps to combat depression.

Spend quality time and feel relax: Spend some time with your family. Interact with your family members discuss about various issues with them. Don’t keep yourselves always locked in the study room. Engage yourselves in all activities.

Practice test papers: Practicing papers regularly helps you schedule time accordingly. It helps you plan out which question to attempt first. It gives you a different section in the paper. You become familiar with the question paper pattern which saves your time.

While preparing for the exams, make sure you revise least once a month before exams. So that during exams you don’t feel stressed out. Consistent practice makes you perform better. In the evening you can study in fresh air to breathe an in the lot of oxygen which increases your concentration.

Several ways to practice learning: Try to read out things louder. Using multiple senses can help you retain more information, so even just saying the words out loud and then hearing them can be helpful.

Discuss the subjects as if you are teaching someone. You can always put the board in your room. To write important things or try to remember some equations. Try as if you are teaching someone, it helps to learn quickly.

Revise with writing always helps you to remember things. It helps you mesmerize topics. It also helps you to get speed in paper solving.

Try to be attentive always. Concentrate in your class so that you don’t have to invest more at home. Do your homework effectively. Always make a habit to make notes. Writing helps to remember subjects.

Group studies if you love group studies you can plan it on weekly basis. This gives you a fair idea about how others are reading and learning. Several children have different ways and techniques to learn. Sometime you may like their technique and it may help you clear your concept.

Don’t focus much on mugging up things. Try to learn concept wise. Stay calm and keep agitation & frustration away. Do not discuss about the subjects too much with your friends because it makes you feel anxious.

Trust yourself, only you can decide what you will score not anyone else.
