CAT 2024 – Why attempting mock test for is important?

by Pradeep Jangid 395 views0


Why attempting mock test for is important?

In order to know how much you are prepared for an exam, you have often created mock tests for yourselves and graded yourself. The similar formula applies while you are preparing for CAT 2024. Since CAT is a competitive test to analyze your capabilities in different situations where reasoning, calculus & math skills are involved, the best way to improvise your skills is by appearing for as many mock tests as possible. These mock tests are going to help you understand the sections that you are good at, the sections that you have to work on and also give you a sense of how long each section will take to solve. While you are attempting for the mock test, there are many other advantages like it helps you understand the paper pattern thoroughly and makes you comfortable with the format, flow and time schedule.

Here are few tips to keep in mind while appearing for mock test:

  • Prepare your basics well

Before you attempt your first mock test, make sure you are prepared with your basics else a wrong beginning can be a huge demotivating factor. Read comprehensions, solve data interpretation sets and go through chapters of quantitative aptitude everyday regularly to prepare for the mock test. This practice will help you in applying the methods and formulas in the correct way. Make it a habit to read newspapers, articles on the internet and books to excel in the verbal section. Practice difficult problems; revise them time and again to get over the difficulty. Have a basic understanding of the sections and think of attempting the particular section within a certain time.

  • Apply concepts strategically

Once you are thorough with your formulas and concepts that are required to solve questions, try and develop a strategy to solve them. Since you have prepared your basics, you partially know your weak and strong areas while applying for the mock test. Strategize the time that you would want to allot for each question, which ones you would want to solve first, which ones would you skip and which questions you will solve later. Mock tests are going to give you a sense of what your actual score could be if this was an actual CAT exam.

  • Analyze your mock tests

Analyzing you mock tests is very important, as this will help you understand the areas that you still need to practice and the areas that you are good at. Try solving the test paper questions again in as many ways as possible. This will hone your basic skills and you would be more prepared to apply the basic concepts and formulas in the test. Refer to solutions and compare them to your solutions to know where they are different and how you can inculcate the difference. Attempt solving questions that you skipped in the mock test along with those questions where your answers were wrong. Note your performance in each section, the time it took to solve and how you can improve your overall percentile. Map this with every mock test you appear for and you should see your timing and scores improve over time.

  • Modify practice schedule

As you continue attempting your mock tests, know the areas that you have to work on, plan your study schedule again that will help you focus on the weak areas and then give the next mock test. Keep solving questions you lost marks and time on over and over again to discover new techniques to solve the questions. Regular practice is going to help you get through with the various concepts that can be applied in different ways. Once you have learned the way to solve the questions, start timing yourself while solving each question so you know which sections you can solve first and save time for lengthy questions.

If you can take the advantage of mock tests and plan your study while you prepare for CAT 2024 you will no doubt come out with good scores and get admission in a top institute. A few pointers for your mock tests

  • Remember it is a mock this is what the real examination is like so do not take it lightly.
  • Be calm and patient while you are appearing the CAT mock test in order to avoid errors on the day of the exam. You will need your presence of mind for CAT.
  • Before you start solving the mock test for CAT 2024, read the question paper completely and decide which questions you would want to solve first. This way you can save time for the difficult questions later.
  • Do not be in a hurry because you know you can appear for another mock test. Read the question, understand, keep an eye for details in the question and don’t make silly mistakes.
  • Do not waste time because you know it’s a Mock test for CAT?
  • Keep checking on the time that you are spending on each section and how much time you have to solve the rest of the paper.