Are You Ready to Crack Campus Placement Interview?
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As the world is progressing, day by day more people are aspiring for a better lifestyle for which a prerequisite is good education. Hence the competition among aspiring students is also increasing. For graduates & under graduates’ pressure is always at the peak with Marks, Grades, and cutoffs becoming important aspects which guard their career. After competing in various entrance exams, you finally land into a good college. But the race never ends with that. Two years down the line and fever of campus selection starts. Everyone around is just preparing for the same. If you are not able to crack a placement through campus selection, the future looks difficult. Getting a job off campus is not everyone’s cup of tea. With every friend’s placement, the feeling of insecurity also starts persisting. The constant pressure of everyone asking you “Which company you got selected for?” adds to your more nervousness.
Here are few points which will help you crack the placement interview:-
Interaction: The thing which I have learnt from my experience is always trying to interact with people as much as possible. You can contact to your seniors and ask them to share their experience, views and tips which can prove effective for you.
Homework: Homework is something which we have been doing since our childhood but this is a different kind of homework – it can be called research. Try to find out how many companies are coming? What are the criteria of selection? This would give you the base for the preparation needed to get a better opportunity.
Mark a Calendar: Mark the dates on which the companies are coming. So that you can start preparing for the interviews well in advance. A deadline or target date will keep you focused.
Write the effective Resume: First impression is the last impression. So don’t take your resume lightly. Select what all information you want to show. Describe your achievements and hobbies properly without making it a story. Specify your goals and interests and your educational credentials. Your resume should give the companies an insight into your personality. So, make it simple and precise. It should be impressive so even glance would give them the necessary information. Try highlighting all important facts so that those get easily noticed. And try to avoid any false information to put there. All the information you put in the resume makes you answerable for all that details. As an add on to the resume you may prepare at least a good topic or subject which was maybe a past project and try to put that along with the Resume.
Aptitude Tests: In most cases this is the first and the most important round of any job interview. If you excel in this round, then only you are eligible for further rounds. You do not need to panic but remember “Practice Makes Man Perfect” and this attitude can only help you crack this round.
Some of the tests are:
- Quantitative Aptitude
- Verbal Ability
- Logical Reasoning
You can refer the study material online and offline.
Technical / Academic Interview: This is the second and the most important round for any interview. In this round interviewer will focus on all technical subjects related to the topics you have learnt during your academics. So, revise all the subjects once so that you do not miss out on any important detail. Visit the online websites and try finding some sample papers which will help you in preparing for the interview. One important thing is the project which you may have done during the last year of your course. So be prepared they can even ask you about your project details.
HR Interview: This round is the real test of your self-confidence. In this round the interviewer does a personality assessment and you can be bombarded with the questions like
- Tell me something about yourself.
- Where do you see yourself after 5 years?
- Why do you want to join our organization?
- Are you ready to relocate?
- Are you open for travelling?
- What are your strengths?
- What is your weakness?
- What are your expectations?
- Give me some examples of your strength?
- What are your hobbies?
- How you handle yourself in terms of stress?
- What are your long-term plans?
- Why should I hire you?
- Do you believe in teamwork?
The questions are very basic but sometimes it can make you nervous. But we must answer these entire questions with utmost sincerity. To help yourself with these answers you can try mocking tests, reading about company details. Prepare a draft about yourself. Try practicing in front of mirror to boost your confidence.
How to prepare for the Campus Placement Interview:
- Manage your time so that you get time to prepare yourself.
- Dress properly in formals
- Work on your body language. This aspect just makes you look more confident which can be a positive aspect for you.
- Be confident
- Listen them properly and then answer. Clarify if not understood.
- Greet the employer properly
- Make an eye contact
- Ask question about the organization.
- At the end of interview express appreciation and offer a handshake
- Carry two three copies of Resume.
- Modify your resume with every company.
- Don’t panic or feel insecure. Confidence in yourself will help you clear all hurdles.
- Be persistent in your efforts
Some additional Tips:-
Review the company: You can check the employee reviews of the company using many online sites. Don’t trust online sites completely but you can get a sense of what the company is like. You can get the reviews of that company by the existing employees if you know some people there or maybe your seniors or alumni are placed there. Read about the achievements of the company and accomplishments of the organization. This would add to your confidence.
Be Honest: Do not blabber just anything and do not stammer. Take your time to prepare an answer and then give it. Just they have asked a question does not mean you have to know all answers. Give answers straight to the point.
Communicate effectively: Even if you are good at aptitude and technical round but if your communication skills are rated poor you may not get placed. Because several organizations have a strict criterion on communication skills. So, work on communication skills from year 1.
Learn from your experience: With every interview you are earning an experience to perform better the next time. Try to figure out the mistakes and take the help of your faculty, seniors, family members try to overcome from those of your mistakes.
Last but not the least, be calm, confident, and look fresh at every interview. Sleep properly. Never give up. There is never an end but always a new start. Accept failures with a learning attitude. Work Hard with determination and dedication and success with come to you.