Jharkhand Rai University Hostels offer a friendly atmosphere to the students. Presently, the boy's hostel can accommodate 500 boys, whereas the girl's hostel can accommodate up to 300 girls.
Free Wi-Fi connectivity and a constant electricity supply are available in Jharkhand Rai University Hostel rooms. Hostellers have access to a separate study area during the morning and evening hours.
Jharkhand Rai University Hostel food is of good quality. The hostel mess serves three meals per day. Hostel offers a clean and hygienic dining area.
Jharkhand Rai University Hostel rules include:
Guardians are not permitted to stay in hostels
Furniture items must not be damaged
Possession of weapons like knives and rods is not allowed
Students are not allowed to consume alcohol and other intoxicants
Quarrels and arguments are prohibited
Playing loud music is not allowed
Firecrackers and other explosives are prohibited
Students cannot keep personal computers and laptops without registering in the warden's office
Outdoor games such as football are not allowed on the hostel premises
Cooking is not allowed
Jharkhand Rai University Hostel takes strict measures to ensure the safety of students. Boys and girls must return to their hostel rooms by 9:30 P.M. and girls must return to their hostel rooms by 9 P.M.
Other Jharkhand Rai University Hostel facilities include:
A shop in the hostel premises to meet the day-to-day requirement of students
The facility of Photocopies and printouts is available