BHU Varanasi has around 79 Hostels in total out of which 37 Hostels are for girls, approximately 37 boys’ Hostels, & around 5 Hostels are there for the International students. All the Hostels are well-furnished with requisite accommodation facilities including internet connection. The common rooms are equipped with television, newspapers, & magazines. Separate staff is available to clean the Hostel premises regularly. Additionally, indoor sports facilities for badminton, table tennis, & volleyball are available for Hostellers.
The Hostel students are required to pay an Allotment Fee of Rs. 1500/- per month along with the regular BHU hostel fees sanctioned by the Academic Council & the Executive Council of the University. Furthermore, mess facilities are also provided to the students for which the charges are separate. To get information about the detailed fee structure of BHU hostel, students can get in touch with the concerned officials of the University.