Bharati Vidyapeeth New Law College, Pune’s faculty profile is nothing short of excellent. All faculty members have accredited degrees in law and have specialization and knowledge of the Constitutional Law, Family Law, Administrative Law, Company Law and its various aspects like legal business transactions, legal writing, case analysing skills, etc. Many of them are also licensed to practice law. Given the nature of the subjects taught their job responsibilities go well beyond class room teaching. They also serve as mentors and guide students to help them launch a successful career in the legal field. Many of them have also published legal articles to their credit.
A number of retired judges, senior advocates, corporate personnel and international knowledge partners come together to share their knowledge and real-life experiences with the students. The senior and junior students are very supportive towards each other. Not a single incident of ragging has happened in this college till date. Bharati Vidyapeeth New Law College, Pune’s faculty members are proficient in other subjects as well like economics and sociology. The management makes sure that they engage only qualified and experienced faculty.
Additional lectures are held regularly and help the students to complete the curriculum on time. The faculty is always ready to help the students and clear their doubts. They are dedicated and student friendly. Along with the regular classes, guest lectures by some dignitaries are also organized from time to time. Most of the professors are learned and most of the guest lecturers are practicing advocates in high positions. This is the reason why students get the best exposure of the industry.
The Dean of the college himself takes lectures on important topics. The professors also provide guidance to students for writing research papers. To know more about Bharati Vidyapeeth Faculty Profiles and Bharati Vidyapeeth Faculty Members, please visit the college website.