Erode Sengunthar Engineering College offers two hostels to both boys and girls respectively. The boys' hostel can accommodate 635 boys and the girls' hostel can accommodate 240 girls.
Erode Sengunthar Engineering College Hostel rooms are well furnished and ventilated, fully equipped with the basic amenities.
Erode Sengunthar Engineering College hostels include indoor games, reading areas, and telecom services. The residents’ health issues are attended to by visiting doctors.
Erode Sengunthar Engineering College hostel food is nutritious. Only vegetarian meal is served. The maintenance of the mess is handled by student representatives. There are regular meetings with student representatives.
The hostellers have access to vehicles for any medical consultations. Once every two weeks, movies are shown inside the hostel.
Erode Sengunthar Engineering College hostel facilities include:
Wi-Fi connectivity
Safe drinking water is available
Constant power supply
Recreation hall with television
Water coolers
Solar water heaters are available
Badminton and volleyball courts
Erode Sengunthar Engineering College hostel rules include:
Without the warden's written consent, hostel guests are not allowed to hold meetings of any kind there.
It is forbidden to play cards, listen to loud music, or hang posters, photos, or other decorations on the walls or glass panels.
When given the appropriate go-ahead by deputy wardens, residents are allowed to return home.
When leaving and returning from home, guests are required to record their activities in the hostel's register.
The study period will last from 8:30 to 10:30 pm. This hour should be used exclusively for studying by students.
Girls must arrive at the hostel by 6:30 pm and all boys must be back at the hostel by 8:30 pm.
The college campus has a strict anti-ragging policy.