The college campus is situated in a southern Pune suburb and the institute grounds happen to be urban in nature. The total area of the campus is approximately four acres, and the expansive lawn in the middle attracts everybody’s attention. The edifices in the campus comprise the guest house, workshops, girls’ hostel, boys’ hostel, canteen, management school, and the central building.
The biggest building in the campus is the main building which comprises of the administrative wing, Electronics and Telecommunications wing, Main Library, IT Wing, Engineering wing, etc. This building also has classrooms, staff rooms and laboratories.
The PICT Art Circle comprising the institution’s cultural body occupies a pride of place. The Art Circle participates in various cultural and social events at different levels throughout the year. This cultural group organizes and conducts a wide range of events at the college campus for all the students.
The PICT Art Circle offers students unlimited opportunities for showcasing their creative skills in music, theater, drawing, and painting. The students get a chance to participate in a range of prestigious cultural events and competitions. Some of the prestigious competitions in which PICT students have made their mark include Purushottam Karandak, Firodiya Karandak, SPPU One Act Play competitions, and Daajikaka Gaadgil Karandak.
The college authorities have elaborate arrangements for students to participate in a range of sporting disciplines. Students routinely take part in various indoor and outdoor sports formats including but not limited to chess, football, and cricket. The college administrators always encourage the students to participate in inter-college sports competitions at the district, state, national and even international levels.