Miranda House hostels have 172 rooms. Miranda House hostel rooms have single, double-sharing, triple-sharing, and four-person sharing capacities. Triple-sharing and four-person sharing capacity rooms have attached washrooms. The furniture is conveniently built and comprises a single bed with a fitted mattress, a storage box, a drawer, a bedside table, a dresser, a cupboard, a study desk, an overhanging bookcase, and a chair for each student. Miranda House hostel food is of acceptable taste and quality.
There are high tables available for VIP visitors. Locations for storing non-vegetarian food, processing, cooking, and serving are available. Grocery, non-perishable, and perishable goods are available in kitchen stores. The hostels have two sitting rooms with televisions and home theaters, a visitor arcade, a reading room, a digital resource center, a public address system, and two well-furnished air-conditioned guest suites.
Other Miranda House hostel facilities include:
Recreation room
Water purifiers
Security and surveillance system
Solar Heaters for hot water
Each block has a pantry with a water cooler, a refrigerator, a microwave, a kettle, an induction cook top, and other necessary kitchenware for students to use.
Clean water supply for drinking and cooking purposes.
Wi-Fi connectivity
Medical Facilities
Counseling and Guidance Unit
Miranda House hostel rules include:
Students must use the lawns properly. Damaging plants and trees or littering will result in disciplinary action.
Each student is in charge of maintaining the furniture and room assigned to them. Furniture cannot be moved or altered. No more furniture is allowed in hostels without prior permission.
Residents are liable for losses and damages.
Students cannot write, paint, or attach posters or notes with glue or nails to walls, doors, hallways, or cupboards. The loss of any property is punishable by a fine.
Students must not store large sums of cash in their rooms.
Students can play low-volume music on transistors or record players powered by batteries.
Residents aren't allowed to disturb other students.
Students cannot take out the dining hall's utensils, plates, and cutlery from the hostel mess.
Any visitor to the room must receive prior approval from the Warden.
The possessions of the Hostel may not be taken or borrowed from any location.
Each inmate must turn off the fan and lights when not in use.