The faculty members of this institution are morally upright and very educated. They all come from research and scholarly backgrounds. They believe in imparting the best possible education to the students through modern technology and in modern ways, which is more effective than traditional teaching methods. They attend seminars regularly to keep themselves updated on new and better education methods, which help the students in the long run. The teachers are also very polite and approachable so the students can come up to them with their issues whenever they want and clear their problems.
Faculty and students share their thoughts through regular interactions. Students get to know more about the global markets. Institute is lined up with dedicated and experienced teaching professionals who form the backbone for the development of students. The faculty team includes researchers and educators from the academic and professional sectors.
Some of the faculty members of this institution are Mr. Bharat Agarwal (President), Dr. Wasudev Gade (Vice President), Dr. Siddharth Jabade (Professor), Dr. Kedar Sant (Professor), Dr. Prasad Gokhale (Associate Professor), Dr. Chetan Kapadnis (Associate Professor), Dr. Jayashree Visput (Assistant professor), Dr. Radhakrishna Batule (Assistant Professor), Dr. Avadhoot Kulkarni (Assistant Professor), Dr. Amol Randive (Assistant Professor), Mr. Ashish Thite (Assistant Professor) and Mrs. Jiyaa Khatri (Assistant Professor).