The college campus, situated on the outskirts of Pune, extends over an area of nearly 10 acres. The classrooms have remote-controlled LCD multimedia projectors, microphones, public address system, and computers with internet compatibility. ISB&M School of Technology has an immense computer center housing several computer terminals that have UPS power support.
The technological school’s computer hall offers across-the-board Wi-Fi access, thereby facilitating net browsing on a smartphone throughout the campus. All computer access points interconnected to each other and linked to Linux server have firewall protection. Additionally, antivirus application software such as Symantec and Norton furnish additional protection.
The institution also has a spacious and air-conditioned auditorium that can accommodate over seven hundred individuals. All stakeholders of the college, including students, faculty, and administrative staff, organize seminars and conferences in the auditorium equipped with advanced acoustics and modern-day audiovisual facilities. The institution’s library serves as the focal point for all academically-related activities.
The library stays open from eight in the morning till six in the evening from Mondays through Fridays. On Saturday, the library keeps its doors open from nine in the morning till nine in the evening. The reading room in the library stocks a over 11000 tomes covering at least 2875 titles.
Students can consult up to nine printed magazines and nineteen national journals. The adoption of ‘advanced library software’ (AutoLib) helped automate all operations in the library. The OPAC software (web-based index) allows students and everybody else to browse the entire collection.
The library’s reading room can seat up to 150 students. The technology college’s campus also houses a huge conference hall, cafeteria, swimming pool, and an amphitheater. The medical set up inside the campus caters to the basic and emergency healthcare needs of one and all.
The educational establishment operates and maintains a fleet of large Force Motors’ traveler vans for ferrying students, staff, and faculty.