SGT University hostels are self-financed and not subsidized by SGT University. SGT Universityhostel rooms are of various varieties, including two-seaters, three-seaters, and four-seaters.
The hostel rooms are well-furnished with study tables, ceiling fans, beds, and shelves. Students can opt for air conditioning facilities as per their requirements. Common washrooms with geysers are available. Up gradation of hostel rooms can be done only once during each academic year. SGT University hostel food is of good quality and taste.
The hostel mess works in a hygienic cooking environment and follows a specific diet plan. It served three meals per day.
Other SGT University hostel facilities include:
24/7 Wi-Fi connectivity
Constant power supply
Clean water supply
24/7 Medical facilities
Grocery and stationery shops
Fast food restaurants
University hostels offer a recreation room with a television installed in it. Dining rooms and call facilities are also available. Guardians can visit their wards in the Visitor's room during fixed hours. It provide 24/7 security to its students. Security Guards work efficiently in every hostel to create a safe environment. Hostel committee appointed prefects who work for the maintenance of harmony in the hostel premises. A biometric system is available for recording the attendance of students.
SGT University hostel rules include:
The use of heavy electrical appliances is banned
Playing loud music is not allowed
Cooking inside the hostel premises is prohibited
Avoid hanging wet clothes on the balcony
Guardians are not allowed to stay in the hostel
Hostel property must not be damaged
Ragging and harassment of any kind are prohibited
Students must abstain from the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs.
Students must take permission through the ERP portal before leaving the hostel premises
Students cannot stay in the sitting room after 10 P.M