A good proportion of students who pursue a program of the Geeta Group of Institutions hail from outside Panipat. More than 50% of the students registered with GGI come from the neighboring states of Uttar Pradesh, New Delhi, Punjab, Uttarakhand, and Uttaranchal. So, it is understandable that students who leave their home and hearth behind for the first time in their life, nurse mixed feelings about putting at the institute’s hostel.
The outstation students believe that their new home will be as safe, comfortable, and clean as the one they left behind. The accommodation facilities at the campus of Geeta Group of Institutions are comparable with those provided by topnotch educational establishments in the country. Without exaggerating a bit, it can be convincingly stated that the hostel populace is a perfect paradigm of diverse Indian culture.
Young men and women from all over the country as well as overseas speaking a distinct language and following a specific faith all converge and network harmoniously. GGI makes available separate accommodation facilities for girls and boys where every hostel block provides state-of-the-art lodging and boarding amenities. Every hostel building has its own mess where experienced and skilled cooks rustle up nutritious, wholesome, and delicious meals. All meals are prepared in a hygienic and sanitary environment.
Moreover, every hostel block comes with a common room that contains a TV, indoor game facilities, and newspapers. The hostel campus has a modern gym containing the latest workout equipment as well as houses a table for playing table tennis. Students have the option of opting for an air-conditioned or non-air-conditioned room.
The hostels juxtapose the residential quarters of the college staff that ensure to look after the welfare of the students. Fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, fire alarms, and fire sprinklers have been installed at vantage points to protect the premises from arson or fire hazards. The entire college campus is Wi-Fi, internet, and LAN compatible.