Institute has a planned construction that meets the requirements of the Nursing course. Campus infrastructure is aesthetically designed making it an excellent place for gaining knowledge. Classrooms are a well-ventilated, furnished and spacious accommodating number of students. The seminar hall present on the campus has a seating capacity of 100. It comprises of LCD screens and projectors for conducting educational programs, seminars, and conferences. The hall offers a learning-friendly environment for adequate learning experience. Apart from the seminar hall, a big auditorium has a seating capacity of 1000 people. It is well lighted and made with precision so it can be used for various cultural activities, workshops, etc.
To inculcate practical skills institute has various laboratories like Anatomy and Physiology lab, Nursing foundation lab, MCH Lab and Nutrition Lab. Anatomy and Physiology lab is such that students can acquire knowledge about the human body. Specimens, models, skeleton, charts, different types of bones, etc are available here.
The nursing foundation lab facilitates patient care preliminary training for the students. This comprehensive training equips nursing students with the skills to take care of the patients. This lab comprises of ten beds, two advanced manikins, charts for learning, equipment models, various other learning, and teaching aids.
MCH lab comprises of instruments, articles, dummies, and specimens according to the requirements. These provide practice and simulation skills on different procedures. MCH lab makes the students more confident and competent ensuring lesser mistakes during real situations.
Nutrition Lab assists students in acquiring knowledge for maintaining optimum health. This lab comprises of facilities that are necessary for preparing a variety of food items and diet as per therapeutic needs.
Community health nursing lab allows students to learn health skills in a homely environment. This develops healthcare skills for groups and families in rural and urban settings. Various charts, models, instruments and articles are available for treating health problems.
The security of the students is the foremost concern of the management and for this reason, the institute is under CCTV surveillance every time. Cameras are present in corridors and other parts of the campus and every floor has a fire extinguisher. Security guards are also there to keep watch on visitors.
Sport is an important part of the curriculum as it helps in maintaining mental and physical health. Academia has a playground where students play outdoor games to keep themselves fit. Transport facility is provided for the community and clinical health services.
The canteen is also available within the campus so that students can enjoy delicious food items with their friends and refresh themselves after a hectic schedule.