Medi-Caps University hostels provide separate accommodations for male and female students.
The girls' hostel offers 280 beds. The boys' hostel offers 325 beds. Medi-Caps University hostel rooms have air-conditioning facilities.
Medi-Caps University hostel food is of acceptable taste and quality. The cooking arrangements in the kitchen are hygienic.
Other Medi-Caps University hostel facilities include:
There are sitting rooms in hostels. The public transportation system is excellent for getting to the hostel, and a doctor frequently visits for a routine checkup of the students. The hostel committee and a student body run the hostel premises. The hostel committee oversees several issues, such as discipline and hygiene, in conjunction with the students.
Medi-Caps University hostel rules include:
24/7 security services are available. There are guards and CCTV cameras everywhere.