BMSSA offers 5 years of B.Arch program approved by the Council of Architecture. This bachelor's program has been offering the student a detailed environment of design and architecture. It is a course to create accountable architectures in the future. This course includes a range of coursework including art, history, literature, sociology, and economics including unique assignments.
To take admission in the B.Arch. course one must go through the Common Entrance Test (CET) and the students are selected by their all-over rankings in the test.
The college offers 2 years of M.Arch program in Urban Design approved by the Council of Architecture. It consists of continuous training on urban design combined with a detailed and important outlook on socio-environmental issues. The coursework includes urban design and principles, city planning process, Indian urbanism. A minimum mark for passing, in theory, is 40% and for viva 40%.
Now to join in the M.Arch course, it is mandatory to go through the Post Graduate Common Entrance Test (PGCET). The student must have cleared B.Arch or equivalent examinations. Candidates having good GATE score are given first preference for the seat selection.
BMSSA offers 2 years of the Ph.D. program, the Research and Development wing of BMS School of Architecture is now an acknowledged VTU “Research Centre”. There are certain rules and regulations one must follow to get their thesis or project selected. The course work includes Urban Institutional management, Landscape architecture, Site planning, and Research Methodology.
To take admission in the Ph.D. course one must get his/her synopsis selected, pass the VRAT Test and a face-to-face interview held by VTU for affiliated research centers.