The faculty of Sri Ramakrishna College is very educated and highly qualified to teach. The teachers all come from scholarly and research backgrounds. They use new technology to teach, which has been proven to be more effective than traditional ways of teaching. The students can come up to the teachers and clarify their doubts and issues anytime they like it because the teachers are very polite and approachable. They are always looking forward to coordinating with the students and make the learning process more proactive and interesting. They also attend seminars and workshops regularly to stay updated on the new methods of effective teaching.
The faculty of SRCAS belongs to eminent backgrounds. The highly qualified faculty members are the asset to the institute. The team of faculty members includes researchers and educators from education and other sectors. Teachers contribute to the personal and professional enrichment of students. Day to day interaction of students with experienced and qualified teachers is beneficial for students in many ways. Teaching pedagogy involves modern techniques that play an active role in learning. The faculty regularly participates in symposia, conferences, and co-operate in the decision-making process. The efforts of faculty members and students pay off, and students efficiently complete the program with excellence.
Dr. K Karunakaran (Principal), Dr. Annasaro Vijendran (Professor, Dept. Of computer applications), Dr. K Maheswari (Associate Professor, Dept. Of computer applications), Dr. G.P Ramesh Kumar (Professor, Dept. Of computer science), Dr. V. Vijayakumar (Associate Professor, Dept. Of computer science) and others are distinguished faculty members of the institute.